Porn Star Read online

  Porn Star

  Darren G. Burton

  Published by Darren G. Burton at Kindle

  Copyright © 2013 Darren G. Burton

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  Cover Design: Darren G. Burton

  Porn Star

  She was in a factory, perched on a rather uncomfortable bench top with one guy doing her pussy while another dick was thrusting into her mouth. However, the discomfort of her surroundings was completely offset by the pleasure she was experiencing right now.

  Kandy Kane had an extremely high sex drive. She was in the perfect job to not only satiate those desires, but earn great money in the process.

  The stud at her cunt was told by the director to open up her legs a little more and thrust slower while one of the cameras got a close up. Kandy took the opportunity to give her mouth a rest for a few seconds. Her lips were feeling stretched and getting a little sore. That tended to happen after so long repeatedly sucking a dick.

  Her smooth pussy was on fire. She didn’t wax it completely, but left a small V of black hair down there. She thought that looked sexier, more womanly than being completely bald. The actor’s cock was quite big and very thick. Her cunt was soaked and she was sure the sounds it was making as it was being fucked were being picked up by the boom mike. She flicked her long blonde hair over her left shoulder as another camera moved in close to her face, preparing to capture some intimate shots of the oral action. Bright lights shone on angles from either side of the set. At the moment they felt comfortably warm, but sometimes, in the peak of summer, they were too damned hot.

  “Fuck me!” Kandy screamed, both for the sake of the movie, and because she was feeling so fucking horny right now.

  The stud beside her nudged his dick back into her mouth and she repeatedly deep-throated it, much to the actor’s pleasure.

  If anyone thought that all porn was acted and no one was enjoying themselves, then they had a serious misconception. Kandy loved fucking on camera just as much as off. Maybe even more so. And so did the guys. Everyone involved had a great fucking time of it.

  A few minutes later the director said, “Let’s go for some DP.”

  No, don’t stop now! Kandy thought. I’m on the verge of a climax.

  She gave a signal to the director to indicate this and he let the action continue on a little longer. There was nothing better than capturing a genuine female orgasm on camera.

  She screamed when she came, having now removed the cock from her mouth for fear of accidentally biting it. Her pussy flooded as it was continually pounded. Kandy put a hand on her chest and tilted her head towards the ceiling, where she let out another wail of absolute euphoria.

  She got to rest for just a moment after her climax, then it was time for double penetration. She wasn’t complaining. It was one of the advantages of doing a MFM threesome.

  The man she had been sucking sat on the edge of the bench and Kandy straddled him. She lowered herself onto his freshly-lubed cock and allowed it to slowly penetrate her ass until it was all the way in. Feeling only half full, she spread her legs wide and leaned back with her hands on the bench either side of her anal lover. The actor who had brought her to a wondrous orgasm stood between their legs and prepared to enter her pussy once more. He nudged the head into her entry and thrust deep inside.

  Kandy couldn’t help but gasp and a camera was there to capture her initial facial expression as she was penetrated. The guy behind her played with her big tits, adding to the overall pleasure. The man that fucked her cunt thrust hard, causing her to rock back and forth on the dick in her ass.

  God! There was nothing better, she thought. Right now she truly was in sexual heaven.

  Kandy came again in no time with two big hard dicks in her. What woman wouldn’t in that situation? Her explosion was intense and a series of cameras were all trained on the three to capture every titillating bit of the action.

  “Cut!” the director called after five more minutes. “It’s time to go for the pop shots.”

  Counting breaks, the entire scene had been going for more than an hour. Now that she’d had a couple of orgasms, Kandy was just about ready to call it a day. A long, hot bath was awaiting her at home.

  Kneeling on the cold concrete floor Kandy took a cock in each hand and took turns sucking each one while jerking off the other. The stud who had been inside her cunt just now was the first to shoot his load into her mouth. Kandy let it dribble out over her lower lip and down her chin. She quite enjoyed a man coming in her mouth, but preferred not to swallow it. Liked the sensation rather than the taste. The second guy took a little longer to reach a climax. When he did, Kandy aimed his cock at her tits and they copped a milky spray of warm jiz. To complete the scene she gave each man another quick suck, then smiled up at her lovers with a look of immense satisfaction.

  An assistant gave Kandy some hot, moist towels to clean herself up with, then she started getting dressed, feeling just a tad stiff from all the different positions. She’d taken a real pounding at times during that scene, but she’d loved every delicious moment of it. There truly was no other career for her except this one. She was an adult star and that was all she wanted to be.

  * * *

  It was dark by the time she arrived home and parked her black BMW in the triple lock up garage.. She entered from the garage into the spacious kitchen, poured herself a straight scotch and took it out back where a pack of cigarettes were waiting on the table. The sun had just dropped behind the mountain range to the west. She lived in the hills and out back, when it was daylight, she had a magnificent view of the verdant valley below. Some steps led down to a pool and deck area. She had the lights on and the pool water was rendered a tropical turquoise color.

  Kandy took a seat, extracted a cigarette from the pack and lit it, taking great joy in sucking the smoke into her lungs. She chased it down with a sip of scotch that burned her throat. That also felt good.

  Today’s scene had been a good one. She’d really, really enjoyed her work today. Doing two men was probably her most favored scenario and she hoped to do another one soon. Right now her desires were satiated and she was glad she had five days off before her next booking. There was also a party on the weekend before then that she was really looking forward to. It was a get together for some of those in the industry. She knew from experience how events would transpire. It would end up one big orgy and she felt her pussy quiver at the very thought of that. Apparently several people would be roaming around with camcorders to capture the action candidly. It wasn’t an official porn shoot. Just a fun party that would also been filmed.

  She grinned in the night. There was sure to be plenty of studs there on Saturday evening. Again her pussy throbbed at the thought.

  Kandy smoked a second cigarette while she finished her drink, then went back into the kitchen for a refill. This she took into the ensuite bathroom off the master bedroom and started filling the large spa bath. She stripped naked and sat on the edge of the bath while waiting for it to fill. When there was enough water in the tub she turned off the taps and slipped into the very warm water.

  Immediately she felt tension and fatigue leave her body and she started to really relax. Picking up her drink she sipped from the glass slowly and felt like another smoke. There was no way known sh
e was going to smoke in her home, though.

  Her cell phone rang then. It was sitting on the vanity. Kandy reluctantly got up, dried her hands on a towel, picked up the phone and sat back in the bath to answer it. It was her manager. After the pleasantries were over with, he got down to business.

  “What have you got on tomorrow?” he asked her.

  “A few things planned,” she said cagily. “Why is that, Derek?”

  “I have a producer who’s in a bit of a bind,” Derek explained. “He’s filming an outdoor scene tomorrow morning and one of the girls has called in sick. He specifically asked if you could fill in. He’s even willing to add a little extra cash for the short notice.”

  Kandy took a deep breath. She was really looking forward to having a break tomorrow.

  “I don’t know,” she said finally. “What’s the scene?”

  “It’s in a field in the woods. Not that far from your place, maybe a twenty minute drive. It’s a threesome scene. No major script to learn, just all action, really. Male, female, female. I know you don’t mind doing girls.”

  No, she didn’t mind at all. In fact, doing a girl and a guy might be quite nice. Not too many cocks to please at once. She hadn’t done one of those threesomes for a few weeks.

  “Okay. I don’t see why not,” she said into the phone. “What time?”

  “Get there at ten for wardrobe and make up,” Derek chirped. “And thanks, Kandy. You’ll really be helping them out. Probably lead to some new work with fresh actors.”

  “Sounds good,” Kandy said and disconnected the call.

  She downed the rest of her drink and reclined in the tub until only her face was above the waterline. She wasn’t bothered that she had a job in the morning, really. After all, it wasn’t as if she wouldn’t have a good time.

  * * *

  It was a beautiful day in the woods. The sun was shining, but it wasn’t hot. Just a faint hint of a breeze was barely enough the rustle the long tufts of grass about the place. A rug was laid out in the clearing, around which all the equipment had been set up.

  Kandy’s hair and make up had been done and wardrobe had fitted her out with her attire for the scene. She felt a little silly in her park ranger outfit with tiny little shorts instead of trousers, but it was all part of the act. She had on a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a matching hat, and big black hiking boots.

  Basically the plot was this: The male actor, Carl, and other female actor, Samantha, would be getting it on following a picnic. That was where Kandy came onto the scene. She would happen upon the couple while doing her dutiful rounds in the forest. Instead of insisting they behave themselves and get dressed, Kandy would happily join in the fun.

  The filming got under way and Kandy smoked a cigarette while waiting for her cue. She watched as the couple - and they were both extremely attractive - indulged in a bit of picnicking. Carl was shirtless and well-muscled without being too big. Samantha was wearing teeny shorts that didn’t even cover the cheeks of her ass. She had straight black hair that fell halfway down her back and an olive complexion.

  Kandy lit another smoke as the sex action got underway. Layer by layer the clothing was shed until they were both starkers. They kissed and caressed, kissed some more. Carl spent five minutes devouring Samantha’s pussy, much to the girl’s delight, then she returned the favor and happily bobbed her mouth up and down on his lengthy cock. Soon she was squatting down on Carl and mounting him.

  It was now time for Kandy to enter the picture. She swaggered on set, emerging from the woods as the cameras filmed her approach. Kandy deliberately accentuated her hip movement, overplaying the sexy.

  “What’s going on here?” she demanded of the lovers on the blanket.

  Samantha gasped in surprise and quickly covered her breasts. “Honey,” she said to Carl, “it’s a park ranger.”

  Carl looked up at Kandy and tried his best to look sheepish. Most porn acting - when not actually fucking - was pretty woeful, and Kandy was first to admit that. She tried hard not to laugh at their attempts to look surprised and embarrassed.

  Samantha said to Kandy, “We were having a picnic. Then things got all romantic. We didn’t think anyone was around.”

  “Well, you thought wrong,” Kandy said, putting on a tone of authority.

  “We’ll put our clothes back on,” Carl said quickly.

  Kandy held up both hands. “Don’t do that just yet.” She focused her attention on Samantha. “Now, miss. What are you hiding down there between your legs? Hop off so I can take a look.”

  Samantha did as the ranger asked and got off Carl, revealing his big and very hard dick. Kandy squatted down beside him and took hold of his cock.

  “Hm. Interesting,” she said. She got down low and commenced sucking on it. When Samantha started to protest, Kandy turned on her. “Would you rather a fine, miss?”

  Samantha shut her mouth and Kandy resumed her oral, working Carl’s beautiful cock between her lips. She stroked his shaft up and down. It was still damp with Samantha juice and was really nice and slippery.

  As she worked away on his dick she could feel her pussy filling with juice. She was throbbing down there and feeling very keen to get into the action now. She licked all over his shaft, sucked on his balls, then got to her feet.

  To Samantha, she said, “Suck his cock again while I get undressed.”

  Samantha did as instructed while Kandy quickly stripped naked. She then pushed Kandy out of the way, straddled Carl in reverse, lifted up his dick and guided it into her willing cunt. He slid all the way inside in one go, filling her completely and making her pussy throb even harder.

  “Your man has a very nice cock,” she said to Samantha. “Why don’t you be a good little girlfriend and got sit on his face. I’m sure he won’t mind.”

  All the crew were watching proceedings and the cameras were capturing it all from various angles. Kandy was in her element and actually felt like she had taken control of both the scene and the set. The director seemed content to just go with the flow for the most part and Kandy liked that. It gave her more freedom to enjoy herself.

  And enjoy herself she did!

  She rode Carl’s cock very hard, thrashing herself down upon it time and time again, increasing her pace with almost every stroke. Her cunt was flooded by now, leaving Carl’s dick all shiny. Behind her Samantha was moaning as she squirmed around on Carl’s tongue. Kandy herself was building to a climax now and she couldn’t wait for it to arrive. She knew it would just be the first of at least two or three before this scene was over.

  She put on an exaggerated show for the nearest camera when her orgasm arrived. Not that she really had to act. Her immense pleasure was all very real. With juice flooding her cunt, Kandy bounced up and down on Carl’s cock while tilting her head back and screaming skyward. Behind her Samantha grabbed hold of her hair and yanked it, adding a tinge of pain to the pleasure.

  When she was done she got off Carl and spent a moment greedily licking her own juices from his cock. She then rammed it down her throat repeatedly.

  The director called for some doggie action. As Samantha got down on all fours and Carl positioned himself behind her, Kandy spread her legs in front of the other woman so Samantha could go down on her at the same time. She grunted when Carl entered her fully and started to stroke. Kandy watched the pleasure spread across Samantha’s features as her lover got into a good rhythm deep inside her cunt.

  Kandy then grabbed the girl behind her head and forced her face downward, where Samantha readily started to lick Kandy’s needy and very horny pussy. The girl was quite good and had obviously done this a number of times before. She moaned as Carl really gave it to her and it sent tingles all through Kandy’s groin area. She couldn’t help but smile.

  Samantha pulled her face away and screamed, “!”

  Carl was busy spanking her ass now as he drove his long shaft into her with relentless vigor. Kandy watched the look of intensity on his handsome featu
res. He really looked like he knew how to give it to a girl and she couldn’t wait to be fucked by him, rather than just ride him.

  Her turn came about five minutes later, just after Samantha had experienced a small orgasm. Kandy lay prone on the blanket while her lover knelt between her legs. Samantha lowered her steamy pussy onto Kandy’s tongue and she probed the other girl’s sweet passage as Carl thrust his magnificent cock into her hot cunt.

  God, his cock felt good, she thought as Samantha rocked back and forth on her face. He felt so big and he was really starting to fuck her good and deep now. His rhythm was sensational and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she came again. She tongued Samantha furiously and soon had the girl squealing in ecstasy. Juice trickled over Kandy’s tongue and she swallowed it. Carl was continuing to pummel her tunnel with his adept technique and Kandy felt the stirrings of climax quickly build until she exploded all over his lovely cock. Just when her initial climax started to ebb another one came onto her, stronger than the previous. She writhed around on the blanket and could barely take a breath, the intensity of it was that strong.

  The girls shared Carl’s cock soon after, licking it, stroking it and sucking it down their hungry throats. Kandy continually toyed with the man’s balls and he really enjoyed that. As they both ran their tongues over the head, Kandy and Samantha came together in a very wet and open-mouthed kiss that would look great on the video.

  Once they’d each had the pleasure of being fucked by Carl once more, it was then time for him to come.

  He stood on the blanket while the girls knelt before him. Samantha did all the work, stroking his dick until he was ready to ejaculate. Kandy just sat there waiting for it to happen.

  “Here it comes,” he told them and then started to grunt and groan.

  Samantha aimed the eye of Carl’s dick in the direction of Kandy’s open mouth. She had her tongue out and caught the first few squirts of his load. Samantha then took the rest and the girls shared Carl’s offering in another kiss. Samantha sucked the cum off Kandy’s tongue and proceeded to swallow it all.